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Peter Šilc

Managing Director 7 CEO

He spent the first decade of his career gaining skills in the automobile industry (Audi, VW), and in 2003, he entered Gorenje as head of the heating and cooling programme. Between 2007 and 2013, as a Gorenje representative in Zagreb, he became well-acquainted with the Croatian market. Then he became director of the area of heating, ventilation and air conditioning devices. Since 2021, he has been the Deputy General Manager and Procurator of Tiki, and in 2024, he became the General Manager.

Company ID

Company name: TIKI HVAC, d.o.o.
Company address: Partizanska cesta 12, 3320 Velenje
Registration number: 8203687000
Tax number: 71312234
VAT ID: SI71312234
Company register number: 2020/6735, District Court of Celje
Date of entry in the court register: 15th May 2018
Capital stock: €7500
Transaction account: SI56 0451 5000 3461 759 – Nova KBM, d. d.
Code of activity: 25.210
E-mail: info@tiki.si
Website: www.tiki.si


Company name: Tiki doo Stara Pazova
Company address: Golubinački put 1b, 22300 Stara Pazova, SRBIJA
Registration number: 20104554
Tax number: 104184255
VAT ID: RS104184255
Company register number: 143524/2006, Sremska Mitrovica District Court 14798/2020
Date of entry in the court register: 1st September 2006
Capital stock: €23,305,964.30
Transaction account: RS352 7500 102 205 105 4806
Code of activity: 2751
E-mail: info@tiki.si
Website: www.tiki.si